Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 97 - Transferring to my last area!

I'm getting transferred! Pres. Carlson called me on Saturday and told me I'll be serving in the Spanish branch in Columbus, IN! It's a branch I've never served in before, so it'll be good to "branch" out (hehe). I will be a district leader in Columbus. Since there is a lack of leadership in that branch, I am also assigned to serve as 2nd counselor in the branch presidency!! It'll be a different experience.

This week was a great one! We had a ton of success this week! We committed 3 people to be baptized and I'm sure they're gonna make it! I'm really sad to leave this branch and this area. Things are really picking up lately and I really hope the next missionaries to come here keep on top of things. 

We also had a HUGE miracle this week while we were on exchanges with the Avon Elders. Do you remember R? She was supposed to be baptize on May 14th, but she disappeared and we never heard from her again. Since then, I have been praying almost every day for her to come back and to get baptized. On Thursday, the sister missionaries had an appointment with an investigator at the church. For some reason they felt impressed to show up about an hour early to their appointment. After they got there their investigator texted them and cancelled, so they went out to their car and said a prayer asking what they should do with their time. As they finished praying, R pulled up to the church and said, "Is Elder Thayne here? I need to talk to him." Since R doesn't have a phone, the sisters called and I got to talk to R! We were on bikes that day, so I told her to meet us at a grocery store in Avon, and we waited for her but she never showed up!! We haven't heard from her since, but it was a miracle that she contacted us! If the sisters hadn't showed up early to their appointment, there would have been nobody at the church! 

On Friday, we had Mission Leadership Council with Pres. Carlson, and it was really good! It was weird after going to so many MLC meetings with Pres. Cleveland and then seeing how different he is. He's such a calmer and gentler man than Pres. Cleveland was and it's a huge change of pace for us. But I have already seen that the Lord has called him and that he's here for a reason. At MLC, Pres. made a huge emphasis on studying Preach my Gospel and on teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a really good meeting about the basic and important things in missionary work

Besides that, there's not much more to say! We're seeing miracles out here and I'm so excited about the things that are happening in the mission. 

I love you Mom!!! Have a good week!! I'll talk to you next week!

Elder Thayne 

I had to take a couple classic "corn field" pictures 

Here I am with the Lyons Family.  I love them!

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