Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 101 - My Heart is full


I have mixed emotions and my heart is full as I sit here and read emails on my last p-day. I actually started to cry as I thought about all that has happened and all that will happen following this week and I'm so thankful for the many blessings I have received. I am so excited to see you and the rest of the fam this weekend, but at the same time I'm so sad to see this experience come to an end. 

We had a really good week. We have worked very hard and there are some good things happening in our area. We're teaching a couple in our area who is progressing really well! Their names are C.and M. They are really open to our message and C. loves the Book of Mormon. He always talks about how interesting it is and how powerful the words are. He told us he wants to take it slow and he doesn't want us to rush baptism, so it's a little hard. They haven't made it to church yet either, but that's because we've been having a hard time getting member involvement. Those are the struggles of being in a tiny branch. 

On Friday we got to go to the temple to do an endowment session!! We went with Pres. Carlson and all the other missionaries that are going home and it was a great experience. I loved it and received some personal guidance and revelation. 
Sunday was a great day!! I conducted sacrament meeting and I spoke and we had some non members at church too!! After I spoke, the Rasmussen's spoke. They're a young couple out here on an internship from BYU at Cummins and they both speak Spanish, so they have been a great help in the branch. They are both returning to Utah this week as well. 

I really don't know what else to say, other than thank you. Thank you so much Mom for you support and your love. I couldn't have done it without you letters and packages and prayers. You're my hero and a great example to me, and I owe you big time. I couldn't thank you enough and I am so excited to see you on Friday :) 

I love the Lord. I am so glad that I've had this opportunity to serve Him and I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me. He has been so good to me and I owe him everything. I will keep working and sprint through the finish line. I can't wait to see you and I love you very much.

Elder Thayne

Saying goodbye to the Rasmussens!

A picture with Ben, Norma, and Chris from the branch

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